All posts by Austin Battell


The Society recently stocked Barden Lake with some much needed quality sized Tench.
As our original stock had depleted through age and losing several double figure fish, we were able to source these lovely conditioned fish which weighed between 2lb and 6lb.
This should help secure the quality Tench fishing for a few more years.



Up until the recent heavy rainfall and flood conditions, most of our waters were producing some great Pike fishing, including a fantastic brace of river twenties for Neal Rogers. Pete Groombridge,  Andy Bungay and Jason Craven also had noteable catches to report. Pete Groombridge had a five fish haul on Barden Lake which included a mid double. Jason Craven had a lovely looking twenty from the river and Andy Bungay enjoyed some great sport on the Old Ballast Pit with fish to 15lb 8oz.

Neal Rogers with his 20lb 2oz and 23lb 8oz Brace



The new sluice between the Old Ballast Pit and New Lagoon has now been completed and is controlling the level of the New Lagoon nicely. The extra soil at the back of the New Lagoon has also helped keep excess flood water in the field behind. The low level access on the southern side of the Old Ballast Pit has made great progress over the last few months. This work will continue once conditions allow. This side of the lake remains closed for fishing.



Even though the air temperature has dropped and we have had lots of cold rain fill the Lagoon up, the fishing can still be very good if you get your tactics right. Several members have reported good catches of mixed species including Tench to over 6lb, Bream to 9lb, Carp to over 6lb, Perch to over 1lb, Rudd to 12oz and Roach to nearly 2lb. One member recently caught 20 Roach over the magical 1lb barrier. The venue record currently stands at 2lb 12oz and could well be beaten this Winter.




Twenty two members gathered in Swanmead car park to await the socially distanced draw for the 2020 Tonbridge Angling Christmas Match. The air was cool but still and filled with festive anticipation for the ensuing day’s fishing. The early morning sky punctuated with the odd cloud radiated with a crimson hue that set the horizon on fire, was this a warning of the calm before the storm?  Pegs established and the programme for the day conveyed, the match men set off to their prospective swims to prepare to do battle.
The river was in fine fettle after the temperate rains the previous week with a steady flow and a good colour to give the quarry the confidence to feed.  As the starting whistle approached the anglers had time to tackle up and prepare for the pending onslaught as the sky gradually filled with dark foreboding clouds and the wind began to pick up. On the whistle baits were tentatively cast and the initial response was positive with small Roach eager to feed, but the bounty slowly ground to a halt within the first hour.
The rain was now persisting and the wind was playing havoc with umbrellas. Peter Hole had the task of grappling in the brambles to retrieve his and John Cooper gave up with his excuse of a brolly and resigned it to the scrap heap! Meanwhile Bob Doyle was wrestling to hold his in position as the rod tip pulled round and although a good fish was felt the late strike did not set the hook and after a short battle the quarry made good its escape. The intrepid anglers endured the rigours of the weather as the bites became few and far between, but rumours were abound that one competitor was fairing rather well.
The anglers were relieved the hear the final whistle to put an end to a miserable session and as the scales preceded along the river bank many of the catches were scant reward for a hard days fishing with a few small Roach and Gudgeon featuring prominently in most catches with the odd quality Roach and a few skimmers here and there.  Then there was match supremo Peter Groombridge, no stranger to winning the odd match or two, who absolutely emptied his swim of quality Bream to put a magnificent 79lb 2oz on the scales to win the match.  In a not so close equal second place was steady match maestro Roger Trask and occasional match ace John Cooper who managed to put 4lb 8oz of mixed silvers apiece on the scales. In fourth place was “good ol London Lad”, Colin Fowler, who managed to put 3lb 1oz of mixed silvers on the scales.
John cooper was drawn on the golden peg and although managed an equal second placing, he missed the prized bounty by a mere 74 lb, better luck next time.

There were also plenty of section prizes to ease the pain of the day and a mystery draw bonus won by Peter Hole. All in all a very tough day but the banter was flowing and match captain Martyn Hill bolstered spirits with his usual enthusiastic mix of muses and distractions.  The field retired a little damp and bedraggled but good humoured and full of festive spirit. Well done and Merry Christmas to you all.



Dave Sadler beat his PB Tench with a fine 7lb 8oz specimen only to return the following week and beat it again with a stunning 8lb sample. Mark Roe had some good sport with Bream to over 3lb and a few Tench to 4lb. Duncan Battell also enjoyed the mixed sport on offer at the New Lagoon with several species including a lovely Common Carp of just over 6lb which was stocked at around 1lb 8oz. Paul Mitchell and his son had a good mixed species day, catching Bream, Tench and other silvers throughout the day.




1st     Pete Groombridge                     27 points
2nd   Mick Smith                                    26
2nd   Martyn Hill                                    26
4th    Larry Howard                              25
5th    Simon Farrer                               22
6th    Steve Parker                                21
7th    Roger Trask                                 17
8th    Ron Groves                                  16
9th    Sean Pope                                   12
10th  Tom Sawyer                               10
10th  Ben Groombridge                    10
10th  Peter Hole                                   10
13th  Bob Doyle                                      9
14th  Austin Battell                               7
14th  Dave Lee                                        7
16th  Derek Butcher                             6


ALL ROUNDER CUP – Bob Chapman Pole match – East Lock Down – 27 fished

Overcast skies on a warm, still morning greeted the 26 anglers who assembled at the picturesque waters at the lower end of our stretch below East Lock to fish the Chapman Pole Match.

Excitement was high as the socially distant draw took place and the match men proceeded to their pegs for this episode of the all-rounder series.  The Medway still in sluggish mood with clear water and no flow was going to make the competitors work hard for the rewards on offer.

Local lad, Mick Smith, took advantage of his favoured peg to present the scales with 16lb 1ox of sizeable Bream and quality Roach to take max points and top position.  Current Kent Champion and pole ace Stevie Parker found his form to secure second position with 11lb 5oz of quality Roach and mixed silvers followed by accomplished veteran Tony Hyland who took third position with 9lb 8oz of mixed silvers and Bream.  Ed Palmer took “Fish of the Day” honours which was an eel with a fine 1lb 8oz slippery customer and Martyn Hill on the Golden Peg had a cracking start to the match but saw his chance of glory evaporate as his swim failed to live up to expectations.  The majority of the field had something to show by the end of the day on this idyllic section, until torrential rain washed out the last half hour of what was a most enjoyable session.

Mick Smith with his winning bag
