All posts by Austin Battell


After the sudden loss of 4 large Carp during the hot weather on Barden Lake, the Society contacted the Environment Agency to run some water quality checks. All the water quality checks were good although there was a slight algae bloom. The EA supplied us with aeration equipment to help keep the water quality levels to where they needed to be.
CEFAS also took some samples from the deceased fish to run some DNA checks and thankfully, they came back clear of KHV and CEV. The main issue seemed to be at the post spawning period with the combination of a slight algae bloom, the possibility of an oxygen crash and the fact it was 4 older original stock spawning with much younger and fitter fish.
We decided to close the lake immediately for fishing and the lake will remain closed until at least the end of August to give the fish a well earned rest.
Please check our home page for updates and Society members can also check on our Facebook page.


IS IT OR ISN’T IT – HUGE CRUCIAN from the RIVER weighing 5lb 10oz.

After receiving a late call on the evening of Saturday 31st July from Society member Louis Upton, Myself and Match Secretary Martyn Hill attended what potentially could have been the capture of a lifetime for Louis. After initially thinking he had hooked a Bream, Louis soon realised he had hooked something totally unexpected. It turned out to be what looked like a record Crucian. Knowing how difficult it is to prove true Crucians and the fact the only option would have been to take a scale sample and a 1cm square piece of fin to get a DNA test done, Louis decided not to go down that route and instead allowed the Club to make some general enquiries and submit some good photographs to some well regarded Crucian anglers. A lot of the Crucian characteristics are there to see but doubt was shown over the shape of mouth and the continuous lateral line to the tail root.
However, Louis, myself, Martyn and others present were over the moon to witness such a lovely fish which weighed 5lb 10oz on 3 sets of scales.



There was a good turnout for this match with 26 anglers and only 5 not bothering to trouble the scales. Austin Battell got off to a good start, catching Bleak,  small Roach and skimmers, while Roger Trask landed a nice Bream of around 3lb an hour in. Pete Groombridge had his usual steady start and landed a nice bonus Eel. The two end pegs didn’t produce the Bream like they have in previous years. One up from the bridge, Ray Berry caught steadily on Hemp in around 9ft of water. After lunch, Steve Twort persisted in feeding hemp and tares with double red maggot as hookbait to catch several good Roach and Chub to 2lb. There were some lovely Roach caught to just under the 1lb mark but fish of the day was Perch which had to be over 1lb and Dave Williams took the honours on that prize with a fine fish of 1lb 6oz.
The river had a good colour to it and had some nice flow to it when the lock was opened upstream for the few boats and canoes which passed. In the end, there were some good weights recorded and the deserved winner was Steve Twort with 12lb 10oz, second was Ray Berry with 10lb 4oz and 3rd was Austin Battell with 8lb 7oz.

Ray Berry with his 10lb 4oz for 2nd place.

Dave Williams with his 1lb 6oz fish of the day Perch.


ACA CUP success for Ditch

Our most recent match for the ACA Cup was held on the Long Reach and Bungalows stretch of the Medway. The river had a nice bit of flow and a good colour to it which made all the competitors think that Bream would make up the winning weight. As it turned out, not many decent Bream were caught but Match winner Ditch Howard was able to add one good Bream and some nice skimmers to his 12lb 10oz winning bag.
Fish of the day was to be a Roach over the 1lb mark but that prize was not won.
Runner up spot went to the ever reliable Pete Groombridge with 10lb of nice Roach and third spot went to Pat Galpin with 7lb 13oz of Roach.



The fishing has begun to really improve now the sun is showing a lot more. Haysden Lake is fishing well for good double figure bags of Roach on the pole or waggler. Also good Bream showing to feeder tactics. Pete and Ben Groombridge have been catching well with mixed sized Roach included in their bags. Bob Doyle has had some Bream fishing the feeder. Ben Jones had several Bream to nearly 9lb fishing for Carp. Lee Wakeman had a shock when he landed a 4lb+ Sturgeon.
