The Society control a short stretch of Pevensey Marsh drain (not shown on main map), a deep water drain 8 to 15 feet with little or no flow unless there has been considerable rain. Bream are the main quarry, with many fish over 4lb and plenty in the 1 to 2lb range. Good roach and tench also show and very large pike, perch and eels have also been caught.
All methods catch fish, with long pole and feeder both producing large nets of bream. With maggots, worm or bread hook baits, ground-bait will improve catches. There is no need to use light tackle in this section of drain as the bream and roach are not shy and strong tackle will be needed to land the powerful tench.

Fishing Dawn to Dusk.
Park on the verge adjacent to the gate.The path to the water and the banks can be muddy following rain, waterproof footwear is recommended, The banks are steep, care should be taken, juniors must be carefully supervised.
Wallers Haven is subject to a closed season from 14 March until 16 June each year.
Environment Agency
If you see anyone fishing on this stretch during the closed season you can report it on our incident line 0800 80 70 60