The New Lagoon was created during the winter of 2015. The Society took the opportunity to turn the Old Lagoon, which was in a sad looking state and only had a couple of swims that were fishable, into an independent pleasure fishery with approximately 16 swims, where members could have the opportunity to catch lots of fish of different species and to specimen sizes. The average depth is 3-4ft in the original Lagoon area and the newly dug area has depths to over 6ft.
Jason Craven with a stunning 2lb 12oz Roach
We initially stocked the New Lagoon with a good mixture and balance of most species. Small pretty Carp to 5lb, Tench to 8lb+, Bream to 10lb, Roach and Rudd to 2lb+, Crucians to 3lb+, Perch to 2lb+ and a handful of Barbel to 4lb+. Juniors will be allowed to fish this water if accompanied by an adult at all times. Rules will be listed on the new signage at the entrance to the Lagoon.
Recent catches have included Roach to 2lb 12oz, Rudd to 3lb 2oz, Carp to 14lb and Tench to 8lb 8oz.

Abide by rules listed on signage on site.
All junior members must be accompanied by an adult at all times.
Members must pre-book fishing via CLUBMATE and it is now a FLOAT ONLY fishery.