NEW LAGOON – Stock delivery from Coursefish UK

dsc_0622 dsc_0623 dsc_0627 dsc_0628Early last week, the Society received it’s latest batch of stock from Coursefish UK – we had 372lb of Quality Roach with lots of fish weighing 1lb and several going 1lb 8oz. There were also some Rudd to the same size and a few big Perch. We also received 190 small stunning Carp which hopefully, one day, will become the new stock for the Ballast Pit and Barden Lake. We still have 4 Large (20lbish) Redmire Commons to be delivered soon for Barden and the possibility of some very large Tench for the Ballast Pit and New Lagoon.
All the fish were in excellent condition and all went off strong into the lake.



BALLAS PIT – New maintenance entrance

dsc_0629 dsc_0631A small work party consisting of Larry Howard, his son Olly, Ted Bryan and Austin Battell completed the drainage and maintenance entrance to the Old Ballast Pit last week. Two solid days of graft and plenty of coffee got the job done. The new 18” diameter pipe was placed in the existing ditch just inside the gate, it was then backfilled and tracked in and the old bridge that was being used was removed. We also installed a new 3.3m wide field gate for access for maintenance machinery, fish delivery and, if needed, emergency services access. This has really smartened up the entrance to the Pit and should make access with barrows and trollies a lot easier. This area will be seeded where needed and some type one will be tracked in at a later date so that the ground will stay firm. We have also installed the new red marker post which designates the start of the long stay fishing swims towards the bottom end of the lake. We also added some extra barbed wire at the bottom end boundary of the New Lagoon area which should help to stop people entering through that fence line.


XMAS match – Spare – Sportsground – 11th December- 15 fished

With the weather being milder than last week, fishing was expected to be better in this match. As it was the spare date for the Christmas Match, weight does not count towards the Match Championship. The Roach built most weights on this one apart from a very welcome 2lb 10oz Chub for Ed Palmer. This weeks winner was Colin Fowler with a lovely bag of Roach for 8lb 8oz. Colin also lost a very good Roach estimated at a good 1lb 8oz. In 2nd place was Tony Crossley with 6lb of Roach and 3rd place went to Ray Allen with 5lb 4oz.


CANE & PIN – MUCKSTREAM to the BOATHOUSE – 20th Nov – 11 fished

This was a bit of a grueller to say the least, with the river rising and colouring up as the day went on. Most anglers caught a few fish but only 4 bothered to weigh in at the end. Match winner was Ditch Howard with 5lb 4oz, 2nd was Mick Smith with 3lb and third was Tony Crossley with 1lb 7oz. Martin Hill was the only other angler to weigh, so he took 4th spot with just 6oz. Fish of the day was Perch but unfortunately, nobody caught one. This is a one off match, so weight is not counted towards the Match Championship.


Barden Lake – New Large Carp Stock

The Society are pleased to announce that 12 large VS Carp were hand picked, weighed, microchipped, photographed and introduced to Barden Lake on Sunday morning. Although it was a wet and windy start, it was a good turnout from the regular Carp anglers and it was a very well organised operation with the twelve fish totalling 243lb which averages out at a fraction over 20lb. The fish ranged from 18lb – 23lb and there were 9 Mirrors and 3 Commons. We are sure the fish will do well and become our next generation of lumps. Thanks to all that helped with this on Sunday.



img_1183Club Chairman and boat partner Jason Craven have been enjoying the predator fishing at Weirwood this season with Pike to mid doubles and Perch to 3lb 6oz. Pike have been caught to low twenties so far and Perch to 4lb+. Watch this space for a predator Classic Boat Competition next year.img_1199


Houghton Cup 4 – Sunday 13th November – Sportsground – 21 fished

This was a tough day’s fishing with weights low and no real specimen fish to bump up the weights, although there were a couple of nice Roach caught.
1st Place and ten points went to Dave Lee with 5lb 10oz, 2nd place and 9 points went to Ditch Howard with 5lb and 3rd place and 8 points went to Stuart Cottingham with 4lb 9oz.
Larry Howard won Fish of the day which was a nice Roach of 15oz. Please see running Championship Tables for placings and points which are up to date.
