Another new swim for Barden Lake

The bailiffs on Barden Lake have created another fine swim in the Willow Bay area. The old ‘Secret’ swim has been closed during the summer months and this new safer ‘Secret’ swim will be open all year round. This will carry the halfway casting rule, as do the other swims in Willow Bay. The old ‘Secret’ swim will be reopened in the autumn for day fishing.received_385411818830430 received_699590327173041


9lb Barbel caught in Society match

In one of our recent Society matches, Match Secretary Martyn Hill,  hooked and landed a stunning 9lb Barbel using legered flavoured luncheon meat. Martyn caught the fish fairly early in the match and hoped to follow it up with another. The fishing was a little tough due to the running coloured water and unfortunately Martyn was unable to entice another Medway torpedo. Although Martyn did not go on to win the Match, this was a very memorable catch as we do not have on record any other Barbel being caught in a Society match. This capture puts Martyn in a very strong position for the new ‘Bill Mitchell Match Specimen Trophy’. Well done Martyn.

Martyn Hill 9lb Barbel


Huge Crucian From the Old Ballast Pit

Regular club match angler Roger Trask fished a Wednesday Classic last week on the Old Ballast Pit and caught a very big Crucian which weighed in at 5lb 2oz. Roger initially didn’t realise the magnitude of his catch until the word got round to the rest of the match anglers. The weather was atrocious, so Roger had a job to find someone to take a picture in the conditions. Once the fish was weighed, photographed and witnessed, the fish was quickly returned to the water. By the end of the match, everyone was telling Roger that it was probably a record sized fish. Unfortunately, the pictures taken were not of good quality and did not do the fish justice. Since the capture has been reported, it has caused a bit of a stir in the press as most people believe it to be a true Crucian. We know the origin of the fish as around 5 years ago, the Club stocked several broodstock Crucians of over 3lb, supplied by Coarsefish UK. Since the, we have had several 3lb+ captures, 2 fish over 4lb and now this one. We won’t know 100% until a recapture occurs, but we are very confident it is one of the stocked true Crucians. Well done Roger.

Roger Trask 5lb 2oz Crucian


Weirwood Predators

A warm sunny day afloat on Weirwood turned into a very productive day for Austin Battell recently. Using the Westin W3 8ft Dropshot rod, Austin caught 4 nice Pike to nearly 12lb and several nice Perch to 2lb 6oz. The Westin Shadteez and Crayfish patterns were the best lures on the day.

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