Today, Ted and Larry continued with the levelling and grading of the seating area at the Lagoon, the weather stayed fine and a good day’s graft was put in to achieve a lovely finish and the area was then seeded. Hopefully with a bit of rain that’s forecast, the seed should soon germinate and start to grow and give us a lovely lush green finish. The main sign was also put in this evening by myself and Rod Craft and other new signage for the Ballast Pit and New Lagoon was being set this evening. A reminder for anybody wanting to fish the New Lagoon this weekend, please call the new number which is 07400217140 or my number which is 07974488040. After this weekend all fishing will stay by a booking system on the new number only. Members will not be able to just turn up and fish.
Please could all members refrain from walking across the newly seeded area.