Barden Lake – New Large Carp Stock

The Society are pleased to announce that 12 large VS Carp were hand picked, weighed, microchipped, photographed and introduced to Barden Lake on Sunday morning. Although it was a wet and windy start, it was a good turnout from the regular Carp anglers and it was a very well organised operation with the twelve fish totalling 243lb which averages out at a fraction over 20lb. The fish ranged from 18lb – 23lb and there were 9 Mirrors and 3 Commons. We are sure the fish will do well and become our next generation of lumps. Thanks to all that helped with this on Sunday.


2 thoughts on “Barden Lake – New Large Carp Stock

  1. Great news!
    And with a mixture of mirrors and redmire commons plus the 4 that were introduced in february and the ballast pit fish that look stunning from the pics(can’t wait to see pics of these fish)..the futures looking bright.
    Im glad to be a member of this club and would like to congratulate everyone involved.

    1. Hi Paul,
      Thanks for the positive feedback, the fish have all been good quality with lovely scale patterns and I have posted all the photo’s of the fish that Coarsefish UK supplied but I have not received the pics of the other Carp introduced to Barden as yet. Keep enjoying your fishing on our waters and hope to bump into you on the bank or at the AGM in May.

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